
FaceMRI Features

Product Features

Find People Fast


FaceMRI finds faces in Videos and websites in minutes.
Find the people you are looking for and their associates.

Searching up to 100% accuracy


Matches Faces and People to Names up to 100% Accuracy.
Built in Face Recognition search tools to increase accuracy.
Find Faces in your own internal face databases
or host your Face BD in FaceMRI FaceCloud

People Database Create Private People Database


Create People Databases [ Fugatives, Persons of Interest ] cross search people in Videos and Web.
Up to 100% Accurate!
Export and Create Cloud Face Databases

Find Peoples' Friends


Find people and their associates, and people who appear in the same video and location

Find People Connections


Make Connections Between People to Solve Crimes

Internet Face Search


Internet face searches, just input the name and get a list of faces back from the web.

Chain Of Custody


Create a chain of custody and manage all assets

Create profiles for security tracking


Create profiles of people and all pictures of them, for security and tracking

Search Deep


Search into faces, people, files and Metadata

Forensics USB keys and External Devices


Covertly scan and extract faces from all media from USB Keys and external devices

Project Management


Manage multiple projects.
Manage projects with millions of faces.

Media Sources

Input Source Details
Images .bmp .png .jpg jpeg .pbm .pgm .ppm .tif .tiff 65,000 images at a time
Videos .mov .mp4 .avi .wmv .mpg 1000 videos at a time
Import Folder Downloads, Desktop, Documents Any OS Folder
Watch Folder Downloads, Desktop, Documents Any OS Folder
Web Search Google Image Search, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Instagram
USB Drives NTFS, MAC, Unix, FAT32... Unlimited
External Drives NTFS, MAC, Unix, FAT32... Unlimited