Republican North Carolina 2022

Face Recognition into Charts

Republican North Carolina 2022 Former President Trump Rally in Wilmington, North Carolina


FaceMRI analyzed 90 minutes of the "Former President Trump Rally in Wilmington, North Carolina" and Created this Demographics Attendance Report.

Race Republican North Carolina 2022


FaceMRI Analyzed 90 minutes of Video from the Former President Trump, North Carolina 2022 Event, analyzed 2200 audiance members and extracted their Culture Ethnicity

Age Republican North Carolina 2022


FaceMRI Analyzed 90 minutes of Video from the Former President Trump, North Carolina 2022 Event, analyzed 2200 audiance members and extracted their Age

Gender Republican North Carolina


FaceMRI Analyzed 90 minutes of Video from the Former President Trump, North Carolina 2022 Event, analyzed 2200 audiance members and extracted their Gender

USA FaceMRI was developed in America.


FaceMRI was developed in America.
Software you can trust.
Adheres to “software bill of materials” (SBOM) standard.

Data Protection Data scanning is offline and local, nothing goes to the cloud.


All face scanning technology is done on your machine.
There is no cloud, processes your data locally.
Process Terrbabytes of images and videos offline.
No website logging

Unlock Videos Extract powerfull analytics from videos


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Find who was at your rally, Age, Gender and Culture

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Images .bmp .png .jpg jpeg .pbm .pgm .ppm .tif .tiff 65,000 images at a time
Videos .mov .mp4 .avi .wmv 1000 videos at a time
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Watch Folder Downloads, Desktop, Documents Any OS Folder
Webcam 4 webcams chanels 1 at a time
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IP Webcam Protocols rtsp librtmp rtmp rtmpe rtmps rtmpt rtmpte Any 2 cameras simultaneously